Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Jeremiah 33:3..."seeking God's way"

Why do you oh Lord seem so hard to find?
If you are very near, why seek with ALL heart, soul and mind?
The best of things are free, so why withhold from me,
eternity, mystery of trinity, vision of your majesty?

Why does my tower of Babel never reach beyond the clouds?
Why my faith in Jesus so threatened by death shrouds?
Why abundant life, fenced in by this mess called earth?
Why the Pearl traded, for things that have no worth?

Can this flickering flame of faith be fanned to holy fire?
Can the Christ of cleansing blood burn out each base desire?
Show me great unsearchable things the way I do not know,
My king, my lamb, my source of strength, increase this candle's glow!

1 comment:

BrownEyedGirl said...
