Saturday, October 07, 2006

From Praise to Dog House

So, this morning, in the shower, I was thinking about the song, "Heart of Worship." I was going over the practical implications of this song for my life. I was praying.

I dried off and headed downstairs with the song still in my head. As I neared the kitchen I spontaneously began to sing it, loudly. Unbeknownst to myself the postman was nearing our front door which was on the other side of the downstairs, and thus out of my sight. Our two rather big dogs, began to howl, at him.

Have you ever heard the joke about when you sing the dogs howl? Needless to say I went from God focused to self consoling in a heart beat.

As I typed this post I began to wonder how many times in life we needless skip from being God-conscious to a self-deprecating consciousness?

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